Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

What Movie Is This From?

"Lucky Charm is secure"

Wild Stuff

I'm doing some really fun stuff in Flash and have started work on game #3. My third game won't have anything to do with cupcakes, though, I promise you...

As I told a friend of mine: Once I can properly link Flash up to theOtaku's database, the possibilities will be endless.

Great Quote

I was randomly browsing online when I stumbled upon this quote:

Anyone can exercise when they feel like it, it's people who exercise when they don't feel like it that are successful

I think this quote applies to a LOT of pursuits, not just exercise.

Then again, it's the moments where you really feel like doing something that you accomplish 10x more than if you're just going through the motions


My second video game release has garnered much praise:

  • "koool game!!!!"
  • "i agree it is addictive"
  • "just kept making me laugh"
  • "it's really fun and addictive!"
  • "terrifying..."
  • "Nice game!"
  • "Silly but fun!"
  • "This game is addictive..."
  • "As someone who has a minor in Game Design, good job"
  • "I had to take a break, it was making my hand start to ache from playing it so long."

I already have a million more ideas for games, but this might be the last one in a while that will feature cupcakes. We'll see...I enjoy designing video games a lot because it takes all the skills I've built over the years producing websites and digital products and uses them in a unique way.

I spent most of today hanging out with James "SomeGuy" - first we out to Dim Sum with two of his friends, then we explored a large mall where almost every single store and restaurant was Asian (one of the stores played Utada Hikaru in the background and another sold Japanese electronic toilets), third he took me on a tour of his hometown where we got free parking and I ate a mediocre cinnamon bun.

Oh, and Guru submissions are back online.

My Second Video Game Is Out!

Go play, go play, go play!

Also tell your friends to play, and their friends to play, etc. The world record score is 91, I'm curious to see if anyone can get triple digits.

I'm going to dim sum with SomeGuy tomorrow morning, I wonder if he'll get a chance to play this before then...