Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Contest Tomorrow

If you're an otaku who likes to draw make sure to visit Wednesday for a contest announcement. It will be a short and sweet one with unique prizes to boot.

Today me and SomeGuy visited the Vancouver Art Museum for a gallery on all things Otaku. We saw many bizarre things--I look forward to seeing what he comes up with feature-wise.


- Getting to the rockclimbing place was an adventure because it was two miles of walking to the middle of nowhere

- Learning to rockclimb was an amazing experience. I tried to climb three times. The first time I stopped in the middle, the second time I made it to the very top. The third time I tried a different route and fell! Thankfully my partner saved me. Awesome--if I can find a partner I'll go again.

- Tomorrow I'm going to an otaku art gallery with SomeGuy (we're getting in free because of theO). Wednesday I'm seeing Will Wright give a talk. You might know Will Wright as the creator of The Sims, Sim City, and the upcoming game SPORE.

- theO premium is really coming together strongly.

- For our newsletter I was thinking of having it come from kiki @ theotaku.com. You know, like kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service?

- What do you think of the video trailer in the right menu of the site? This is just a test, I didn't charge FUNimation for it, I thought it would be cool though to have occasional video though there.

March of the Shinsengumi

Today I accompanied SomeGuy to a Shinsengumi photo shoot, where I brought and ate too many donuts. Afterward we rode in the Shinesengumi Mobile, a car painted with the group's patterns.

Tomorrow I have an important call with a potential theO ally, as well as a 3-hour rockclimbing class. I'm more nervous about *finding* the class here than actually attending, it's about 2 miles away.

Two of the things people nag me most about on theO have hopefully been resolved for good. The myOtaku comment design (thanks to Desbreko) and the portfolio logging out issue.

I'm in no hurry to ever get married...theO members nag me enough to last a lifetime

Tough Girls

Gina Carano rocks. Girls need tough role models and she's a good one...


Lots of walking today, exhausted

I just announced that theOtaku will have a subscription program, check out the Official World for details

Most subscription programs are $19.95/year, but most (not all, but most) are also practically charity. "Give us your money because you like us" - our approach is different, I tried to put together a package so that we're saying "Give us your money because we'll give you more than your money's worth in return"

In fact if *anyone* pays for theOtaku's future subscription program just because they like us and not because they're interested in anything we've offered I'll refund the money.

(Don't you love the image of me and the Bossman Cupcake playing foosball?)