Vampire Thoughts

A few vampire related things...

(1) The trailer for the next Twilight movie is online. Twilight amuses me in its silliness, so I enjoyed the trailer.

(2) The director of Oldboy just came out with a vampire movie. I've seen three of his films and only really liked Oldboy, but I hope to find an opportunity to see the new one.

(3) Last week I saw Let The Right One In. That was a good vampire movie, especially the ending.

(4) I've been hearing that True Blood is a fantastic TV series. What do you think?

(5) I'm so, so, so blessed that I'm not a vampire. I can't think of an unhappier existence.

(6) The best vampire movie ever made is Werner Herzog's Nosferatu. It makes Twilight look like a Disney channel straight-to-DVD film.
