Doggy Poo

I saw a Korean animated movie about a pile of doggy poo

Here's the summary:

After being, er..."born" the doggy poo finds itself as the least-liked thing on the planet. It cries and even when it offers to become a meal to some birds, the birds refuse because eating doggy poo is naturally gross. One day a little bit of a plant grows near the doggy poo and tells the doggy poo that it would love to consume the poo as fertilizer so the sapling can turn into a beautiful flower. The poo is OVERJOYED that someone finally has a use for it and that it can help create a flower.

The end of the movie shows the doggy poo in heaven smiling contently with the beautiful flower.

The moral of the story is that if doggy poo could be created for a purpose, just imagine the purpose you were made to have!
