Otakus Come Through!

Many of my favorite members registered and already contributed to the new site. Sweet!

We already have 416 learnings which is way more than I was expecting in such a short period of time. I have a feeling we'll cross the 500 mark tomorrow morning/afternoon.

I already 'see' what the site will look like a year from now should it keep things going. It'll be exciting ^_^. I'm fighting to get you guys prizes for contests too.

Beta Step 1: Create elite team
Beta Step 2: Draw on the power of all theOtaku Members
Beta Step 3: Send a newsletter announcement to our 50-60 thousand subscribers

Before we can do Step 3 though, I have to streamline the approval process and remix the main page a little.

You might think this is a random project that won't impact theO at all - not at all! It's part of a complex master plan...*evil laugh*
