Sleep Diary

If you ever want to improve something you have to obsessively make a diary of it with measurements.

I've been recording the # of hours I sleep every night for the last week. Here are the results:

Day 1:
7.5 hours

Day 2:
10 hours

Day 3:
11 hours

Day 4:
7.5 hours

Day 5
8.5 hours

Day 6
7 hours

Day 7
11 hours

It's kind of interesting, I'll either get 7-8 hours or I'll get 10-11 hours.

When you average it out it comes to almost exactly 9 hours yet there's no night when I slept 9 hours.

My body probably needs 9 hours so when I sleep 7-8 it forces me to sleep 10-11 to make up for it

What do you think your average sleep requirement comes out to?
