Haha, I had no intention of bringing up any drama from my last post, a lot of people actually misunderstood what I posted. I was talking more about things like our newsletter which we haven't sent out in ages.
On the drama all I can say to that is I'm happy for the members who've stayed, sad for the members who've left, and look forward to the members who join every day. Loyalty is very important to me.
So here are some statistics:
100+ new people join theO every day, at any given second there are about 70-80 members browsing, and about 2,500 members login every day. Wouldn't it be cool to see a work that has 2,500 comments on it? It's actually possible, otakuites are just widely dispersed and most like to remain hidden.
We have a lot of interesting improvements and innovative ideas in the pipeline. Some things will be re-worked, old friends might return, some might disappear, as is the nature of all websites.