Quick Notes

It has been FAR too long since I've done one of these. Far, far too long.

Here are some exciting quick notes for your consumption:

* Google Image Search flagged all our images as being porn so we lost a ton of traffic from them. I screamed to high heavens about this on their webmaster forums and through their email contact form. Thankfully they unflagged a bunch of images in response. Or it could've just been random (probably).

* On a whim I bought Dragon Quest IX for the Nintendo DS. I'm a fan of Toriyama's art and have never played a DQ game before. So far I'm impressed by the story. I'm only 20 minutes into it but it's bustling with creativity and charm.

* I'm going to formally announce this a bit later, but informally for all you personal blog readers, a new anime site is joining our humble network. The site is AdvancedAnime.com. I've known the owner for many years. It's has a fairly big audience and hopefully we'll do some cool things with it.

* It's really hard on my energy level working full time. It's been six months now and when I come home from work I just want to sleep. Hopefully I'll figure something out to get back on track.
