Ask Adam

Here are some answers, silly otakuites...

1. Is there a promotion system here in V V?

Not yet.

2. Can the Quiz Manager in MyOtaku automatically save the Guru results here in V V again?


what's your operating system, O Bossman?

Windows XP, but my next computer might be a Mac

Why did you create TheOtaku? Please answer this!

I just love producing things and it was just circumstance that led to this site being one of the things I produced.

Which site do you think is our biggest rival?
Have you ever been to Japan?
Are you going to create a section of theO where we can play your flashgames whenever we want?

1. To be honest I don't consider any sites our rival...there are a lot of specialized sites out there that are good, but none that have our breadth. For example AP is great for wallpapers, dA is great for fan art, but dA is TERRIBLE for wallpapers and AP doesn't have fan art, let alone Cards, Quizzes, and Fan Comics in a paginated format. We're unique. TokyoPop comes close to our breadth but their execution is really shoddy

2. Yes, Japan is great

3. That would be fun

Are you comfortable with giving people massages? Or physical touch in general.

I am VERY comfortable with receiving massages, I've spent a lot of money on them over the years, but giving them?? If it's a girl I like then yes, if it's anyone else then no...

What is your favorite part of theOtaku?

Planning, creating and launching new features/sections/sites/projects that do well.

What ever happened to Tico Art? That was a neat little gallery from a while back.

Tico was a great DragonBall Z fan artist from Puerto Rico. After we created our fan art section many people have been able to contribute great fan art.

Will there be any additional site alteration options for worlds? (New color schemes and such.)

Yeah but it seems for the moment people want other things on worlds.

Will it soon be possible to upload more than one image per post?

Yeah, we'll have those options eventually. The thing is I don't think they're deal-breakers since there are creative ways around those limits, but we'll have it. We'll even have external image support once I figure out how to automatically resize external images so they don't ruin WORLD layouts.

If you could have one wish granted, what would you wish for?

If you could change just one thing in the world, what would it be and why?

I won't touch this question in a grand, philosophical sense, for example wishing to end poverty, cure all illness, etc. In that case I'd do careful research and find the wish that would have the greatest positive and sustainable impact.

On a personal and selfish level, I'd like for the next 6 months to go a lot better than the previous 6 months, it's been an awful year overall

Which ninja village would you come from if you were a Naruto character?

Konoha, all the other villages seem like terrible places to live.

Which dance is the best- Hare Hare Yukai, Motteke! Sailor Fuku, Ultra Relax, or Caramelldansen?

Very few people know this but I'm actually very good at the Haruhi dance

1. Do you see an ultimate direction in which to take theO as far as business is concerned? You know, like licensing, importing, mass mercahndise and things like that, or will the business end basically come to just selling ad-space and the occasional subscription?

I'm more interested in traffic and submissions than business for theO now. The lifeblood of websites is its audience and content

4. Speaking of sushi, what is your favorite type? I personally enjoy eel.

Salmon by far.

2 pizza or hamburgers?

I don't eat beef, so pizza.

Bossman, do you sometimes check WORLDS and read them?

Not only that, I often Google "theotaku" and see what people on other blogs are typing about us.

Which do you think would win in a fight between a rottweiler and a rottweiler's weight in chihuahuas?

The rottweiler. It can run faster than the chihuahas, separate them, and take them out one by one. The chihuahuas would have to have a really good game plan to win, but they're not naturally pack hunting dogs so i dont think they'd have any sort of strategy.

1.If you were forced to injure one otaku user, who would it be?

2.white chocolate, milk choc.,or dark?

1. Probably Aaron from AnimeFF
2. I read that dark chocolate is actually healthy so I've been eating a lot of that

If it'd be possible to enter an anime/manga which one you would choose?And which character from it you would be?

I'm having trouble thinking of any anime/manga that wouldn't be a nightmare to enter. I'd probably choose one of those romance stories where there's one guy and like fifty girls competing for his attention. What's the alternative? Being in a world with supernatural enemies and world-ending threats?

Will you come back to Anime Expo someday? xD


Do you have some super computer in your basement or something that runs theOtaku? Me and my friend wonder how the Otaku works.

theO is powered by lots and lots of gerbils running on wheels. Whenever we have hiccups it means that one of the gerbils has died and I need to run to the pet store.
