A Few Notes

- Today at my kickboxing class, I could have SWORN that my partner said "good job, Bossman." My jaw almost dropped.

- I'm craving dark chocolate a lot these days.

- I always grew up skinny with a super fast metabolism. However, I've noticed that as I've aged, all the fat starts storing up in my stomach so I have a small belly now. I don't really drink beer, though, so it's not a beer belly. I'm hoping my constant physical activity and eating sushi will help annihilate it.

- I'm going to release a survey soon to gauge the "state of theOtaku" - most people don't realize that the vast majority of members on the site are lurkers who you've probably never seen before. But their opinions are just as important as the very vocal people so I look forward to seeing what they say in the survey

- I'm excited about the results of our theO-NYAF mascot contest but disappointed at how silly Otakuites can be. Every single time we work hard to get a major contest for the site, people find some reason to make a fuss. What's funny is that sometimes the complaints contradict each other, like:

"You're biased in some way"
"Why aren't more theOtaku long-time members in the finals?"

On the one hand they're complaining about bias and then in the same breath complaining that we're not biased ENOUGH to favor old members vs. new members.

And then there's bias toward digital vs. traditional works, failing to realize that in our last NYAF-theOtaku contest, a ton of the finalists were traditional works. And why on earth would we care?? What difference to our site, at all, would it make whether the mascot to a convention was drawn digitally or traditionally?

The thing that annoys me most about these posts is that they don't give me any credit at all. I'm much smarter than they make me out to be--If I wanted to introduce bias, I'd have a game plan that looked something like this:

- I wouldn't have revealed how the judging took place
- I would have then judged them all myself and picked my favorite works, all of whom would be theOtaku members
- Then I'd contact the winners directly and post that the contest was concluded and that if you were in the finals then you'd hear from me

Instead, we had an expert panel, which I wasn't even a part of, with full transparency. And what people fail to also realize is that this contest is FOR NYAF, they want a new mascot so they have every right in the world to just pick the one they like best. However, being classy, they're letting attendees at another convention vote for their favorite of the top 10.

If I needed a mascot for a project and hosted an art contest, I wouldn't go the finalists route, I'd just pick the one I personally liked and finish with it.

Desbreko said it best when he asked why I don't just lock comments on such posts. I might go that route next time.
