Sunday Notes

-- I made a cool "breakthrough" on my new game. My goal is to make it art house in feel.

-- I went to a huge festival today to meet SomeGuy and I had no idea where he was in the festival grounds because my cell phone died. There was a 1 in 10,000 chance of finding him but oddly he found me within 5 minutes.

-- A panhandler asked me for $2 and she kept following me and badgering me for a block until I finally just gave up. Then, after I gave her $2, she started following me again to ask for more money(!) I'm upset at myself for giving her anything, it goes against my NYC instincts. I think that's why panhandlers in NYC aren't nearly as aggressive as here, because in New York a lot of people are high-strung and will just snap whereas Canadians are much friendlier.

-- This is a screen shot of how is supposed to look. Does anyone see any major differences with how it looks like on their computer?
