Rockclimbing And Colors

In top-rope rockclimbing there are two ways to get from the bottom of the wall to the top: You can either just go up with any rock or you can take a color-coded route.

Of the color-coded routes, each one has a different rating for difficulty level. The scale looks like 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.10a, 5.10b, etc.

Anyway, for the longest time I wasn't able to get myself up any of the routes, my technique was just so bad I'd get stuck and would have to be lowered down. My only chance to get to the top was to just step on random rocks, regardless of route.

Today, everything suddenly clicked. I defeated one 5.6 red route, then a white 5.6 route, then I conquered a 5.7 green, then I conquered another 5.7 pink.

How to celebrate this great victory? Why, to release colors on comments, of course.
