Epic Projects

Today was great. I ate nothing but junk food, played Dr. Mario on the Wii, watched a little Tivo'd Dr. Who, and was out and about. It's my reward for eating healthy and exercising the rest of the week...

A lot of people seemed to enjoy my third game, which makes me happy. I should have just posted the link on the official world and not here too, which has led to comments being spread out about it

I think that everyone should take up *at least* one epic project that pushes their strengths/experience to the max at some point in their lives. It'll not only grow you as a person, and give you a shot at creating something "great," but that's how society moves forward

For example great novelists always try to make their next novel even bigger and better than their last; the same with movie directors, artists, etc

There's a big caveat though...in between projects you should spend a lot of time experimenting in small ways. This will keep your mind sharp and lets you develop new techniques

If you're a game developer, it means working on a huge, epic game. Then taking a break and making lots of small/stupid/quick games that try different things. Along the way you'll be learning a lot and eventually you become ready to try again to produce an even better next epic game

There's a chance though that your epic project won't succeed in the way you imagined. But that's OK, because the learning and experience and contacts you gained from it will always stay with you AND often you can reuse or modify epic projects which will succeed in another form down the line
