Quick Notes

-- Comment count and quality are slowly going to become more and more important on the site. Right now promotions take them into account, that's a start, but we're going to do more. Comments really unify the site and a lot of people will either have a positive or negative experience based solely on whether people comment on their stuff

-- I might even add a leaderboard above the subscribers leaderboard that lists the top commenters (of course we'd have anti-spam measures so people couldn't just post 50 "Great job!" comments in one day)

-- Dr. Mario continues to dominate my life, there hasn't been a game that's drawn me in in ages, probably because I loved the NES version and this has online play

-- I was elected an officer (VP of Education) of my public speaking club, so I'll be spending an hour or two a week on those duties...

-- My next game will most likely have member rankings...

-- We need more Bossman Cupcake entries. I could easily end the contest now because I have a front runner in mind, but want to give everyone a chance

-- I have a lot of just boring paperwork to do...

-- My room is a disaster area
