Caffeine Crashes + Brother Site

I've been experimenting with caffeine to help my energy/power levels. This comes with the side effect of crashes to the like that I haven't experienced before. Should be interesting to see how it all evolves.

A few of you know that last year a friend of mine entrusted me with his website. The website, Advanced Anime, is almost as old as theOtaku and has a small but passionate community.

In 2011 I didn't do as much with theOtaku as I would have liked. But I was less fair to AA where I did literally nothing, disappointing their community who see the site as dying. But I don't blame myself too much, I look at AA and see a site that I don't personally like, so incremental updates are out of the question. I'd rather redo the entire thing with a bold and simple vision - I don't want another complicated site like theOtaku.

Ideally I can create a situation where theOtaku and AA complement each other and share traffic. I can imagine theO's top members helping AA and AA's top members helping theO. There are some things from a content and business perspective that a strong Future AA could do that theO couldn't and vice-versa.

I don't know how things will shake out but it should be a fun adventure for everyone.
