Quick Notes

-- The Dark Knight makes the Spiderman movies look like Disney Channel fare--and I liked the first two movies a lot! I just didn't like Batman's voice

-- We should have a live theO chat during the next Dr. Who episode so people can comment as it goes on--though timechaser isn't allowed to type because he's seen them all

-- Tomorrow is my junk food day. I diet and exercise obsessively 6/7 days of the week, and eat everything I've been craving on one day

-- Square is releasing a 3D remake of Final Fantasy IV on the DS. I might buy it to tide me over until the Chrono Trigger re-release

-- My secret pet project feature that's pretty much done will have both a title and premium bonus

-- On Thursday at 10 PM ET we're going to have a live chat event featuring a mystery voice actor celebrity whose credits include Naruto, Bleach, and DragonBall. We're going to post more on the main page soon, this is just a heads-up. If this chat event is a success you could see more down the line.
