Guest Poster Subscriptions...

Wow, over 1,000 people have been given 'guest poster' status. Who knew this would be such a big feature?

With guest posting, we've run into an issue though, which Ichigo first brought up.

If I make a WORLD and SomeGuy posts to it, then how should we handle the update?

  • Option #1: Only people subscribed to me see the update because I made the WORLD
  • Option #2: Only people subscribed to SomeGuy see the update because they like what SomeGuy writes
  • Option #3: People subscribed to both of us see the update - but if you're subscribed to both of us then you'll see that same update appear twice on your list, as coming from two different member names which might become confusing
  • Option #4: We let you subscribe to WORLDS and show WORLDS updates, but if we do that, then do we stop showing WORLD updates for members?

What do you think? I'm leaning toward allowing WORLD favoriting and we can link people's favorite WORLDS in their portfolios too.

UPDATE: I've implemented option #1 for the time being.
