Mother 3 Vs. Lost Odyssey

I'm about 10 hours into Lost Odyssey and ended up switching to playing Mother 3 via GBA ROM + Emulator + Translation Patch. You can get all the details for downloading it at

I don't know if Mother 3'll be able to hold my interest until the very end but so far it's had some fantastic scenes. For example, consider the following dialogue:

"I have good news and bad news..."
"I'll start with the good news"
"I found a DRAGO fang, which'll make a great weapon for you"
"And the bad news. How do I put this?"
"I, um..."
"I found the DRAGO fang through the heart of your wife"

Then when you talk to a pig:

"I always wanted to see the ocean"

and the pig next to it:

"I always wanted to see a pig seeing the ocean"

Anyway if you want to play a fun, humorous JRPG get crackin'
