Airport Posting

Hi otakus, I'm in the airport now ready to return to NYC from Oregon. theO News is on the way and I'm excited about it for a few reasons:

(1) It'll make the main page look "fresher" since there'll be new material every day linked there

(2) Like we had before each story will optionally link to a work of fan art on our site, people always like getting their works linked that that

(3) The emphasis this time around will be on quantity and not length, the purpose of the site is to give you a quick news overview and then facilitate discussion

(4) I'm hoping this site'll give members who aren't AS interested in artistic things a venue to participate and enjoy the community

(5) It'll give our elite podcasters sweet fodder

If you haven't already please consider applying to be staff on this site. You can find information here.

*Waves* Wish me a pleasant flight...
