Art Of Otaku Testimonial

Can you believe Art Of Otaku is like 4 years old?

Here's a testimonial I got in my email box today:

Regarding the guide I purchesed from you...In my personal opinion it is a Fun and highly informative read. NEVER in all my years of trying to improve my manga have I ever come across a guide that is as comprihensive and user friendly as Art Of Otaku.

I'll admit I did have my doubts about it at first but you have far surpassed my expectations with this, which may be Damming your product with false praise because honestly I didn't expect much from it due to a history of crappy high priced "How to draw" books leaving me very jaided and skeptical. As for the price I was very pleased with the $20.00 price point, it was more than fair, however I would gladly have paid over $10,000.00 for Art of Otaku because of one reason, it rekindled my passion for drawing manga and anime, which was a passion that I truely thought I had lost for ever.

So I would just like to say "Thank You" to you and all the artist that worked so hard on this book.

Over $10,000? Maybe I should change the price, that would take me out of debt pretty quickly!
