I love Princess Tutu

Princess Tutu was my very first anime, and at that time I thought it was just a cartoon. Hahaha, I can't believe I didn't know what anime was. Anyway, I re-watched recently, and I still was amazed at the beautiful animation, cast(both Japanese or American ), and the wonderful story and plot. ( BTW, this is my VERY first post EVER!. Please don't judge too much. Maybe if I become, like, super popular or something, people will be like, "Cool, this is Ruby's first post!") Anyways, I loved it for the fact that it took a different take on magical girl anime. Most boys don't watch magical girl( don't worry if you do, I won't judge!), but this anime makes magical girl anime turn upside down, to the point where even the manliest of men will love it.

Quick Summary:
Duck is, well, a duck. One day she sees a beautiful boy dancing, alone. Duck thought he looked very lonely. Duck wished to dance with Mytho, the lonely boy she met once. A mysterious voice asks her if she really wants to help him. Duck says yes, and says she'll do anything. A necklace appears, and the voice tells her to put it on. When she does, she becomes a girl. She enrolls in the same academy as Mytho, at the ballet branch. She makes friends, but can't seem to get close to Mytho. Then Duck sees Mytho fall of a windowsill trying to save a baby bird. Duck wishes dearly to save him. The mysterious voice asks her if she desires it dearly. Duck says yes, and transforms into Princess Tutu, a beautiful ballerina. Duck tries to win his heart, but she finds out his heart is broken into pieces! Duck must find them if she is to be together to her dear Mytho, she must find the others. She continues to try and find Mytho's heart shards, as she meets Fakir, a knight with a sad past, Rue, the beautiful older ballerina at the academy, with a secret, and Drosselmeyer, the body of that mysterious voice she heard. Love, betrayal, and dancing will always be found in Princess Tutu.

The only thing I hated, was the ending.( In case you haven't watched it, I suggest you do, and also stop reading right here.) When Duck gives her necklace which allows her to turn into a human, and Princess Tutu, to Mytho, since it is the last heart shard, forever turning into a duck. This part made me cry both times when I watched it now, and when I was 6, just looking for a good show.

All in all, I really loved it. I suggest it to EVERYONE!!!! Boy or girl, athletic or nerdy, smart or dumb, everyone. Winky face out!
