I've noticed that less and less people use already extracted, cleaned, to sum it up, beautiful renders. Instead, they prefer to post walls with their own low quality and poorly extracted ones.
Using already extracted images isn't something to be shy about, it doesn't label you as 'noob who can't even extract'. Quite the opposite, your own messy extractions label you so. Renders are mostly high quality and very convenient.
To be a beginner and have high quality walls is something I personally admire, even if the vector/render is made by someone else, the result matters.
It doesn't mean that you are prohibited to learn, but keep your experiments at home. You're free to try rendering as much as you want till you perfect the technique, or even call for help using World posts or the Sandbox at Minitokyo, but posting a poor work just because you're too stubborn is insulting to the audience.
Be a mad scientist for a bit, keep working, keep improving but don't let the world know the final result until it's something you can truly grab their hearts with.
Don't try sites like Planet Renders or Renders-Graphiques, it's full of ripped vectors, I saw some of mine there and I'm sure there are more.
Here are some amazing, legit sites with renders.
Animepaper (the vectors now don't cost any papers to download!)
EGAO! Distant Destiny (I guarantee the quality)
Celestial Star (the site I used when I began walling)
Work hard guys and remember, the ones who create renders and vectors for you to use are trying to help you get better!