Rita Mordio the Genius Mage! XD

yo! its me hellokatty! man i haven't posted here in awhile! so i'll try to post more! ok i'm going to post about my current fandom obsession: Rita Mordio from the game Tales of Vesperia! its anime style if any of u must know an NO its not an Anime series! XD ok back to the point....I FREAKIN LOVE RITA MORDIO!! SHE ROCKS!! BEST CHARA IN THE GAME!! SHES THE BADASS GENIUS MAGE!! XD *cough* got a lil excited there ok! here are two vids of her mystic artes[most powerful attack] some vids with her in it, and some awsomesauce pics of her! :3

Rita's Mystic arte: Ancient Catastrophe! its epic! XD

Rita's 2nd Mystic Arte: Indignation! this mystic arte is in the PS3 version of the game only! hopefully this version of the game will get released in the U.S. soon! this mystic arte is epic too and she even dances in this one like her other artes! XD

An Exhibition of all of Rita's artes, spells, burst artes, and even her mystic arte! btw her outfit is different cause the person who made the video had her set with her kitty maid costume! its so cute!

The opening to the game in English! the song is called Ring a Bell by Bonnie Pink! i challenge u guys to find Rita in the opening! she only appears 3 times!

here are some pics!

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wasn't that just awsomesauce! well i thought so! ok Factoid timez! here are some facts about Rita!

Rita Loves Cats!

Shes 15 years old, a Mage, and a Researcher!

Her English Voice actor is the same Voice Actor for Rukia Kuchigi from Bleach!

ok well thats it for now! :3 later taters! XD

PS~ if any of u are wondering...yes i am a huge fan of the Tales of(series) video games! Tales of Vesperia and Tales of the Abyss are my two most favs out of all of them! XD

