Picture of the Day!

It's here again! You late edition of PICTURE OF THE DAY! *cool theme music*

Today's featured anime is the good old Ouran High School Host Club. Our guests? The Hitachin twins, Hikaru and Kaoru! *fan girl squees* Yes, yes, we all love them, now PIPE DOWN! >_> Kay, so we can all tell they are laughing so hard they are crying. But why? Are they attempting to make fun of Tamaki trying to do the signature "BWAHAHA!" from Bleach? Did they steel Haruhi's first kiss? Are they making fun of Tamaki again? Nope, they are simply doing their mad hatter impressions. Sorry boys, but to cosplay that hatter, you need some better hats.

See you tomorrow on PICTURE OF THE DAY! *cool theme music*
