
That's how Chris spells college sometimes. Hahaha.
So I went and visited a college campus with my friend today. It was pretty interesting, I shupposhe, but also overwhelming. Luckily, I won't have to worry about that for another year and a half.
The students there seemed kind of rude. Even the ones who took my order and gave me my frapuccino at Starbucks. :| I guess they can't be troubled with lowly highschoolers. Haha.
The school was really nice, though. It was built a long time ago so all the buildings were really old and Eurpoean-style, so it was cool.
I don't know if this is the college I want to go to, though. It's the first and only one I've visited sooo.. I'll see if I like a different one better. Mhm.

So yeah. Pretty exciting. My friend's dad looks like George Lopez. Haha.
