Name:Bai (百)
Age: 17
Eye color:brown
Hair color/length/style: Long light, pink hair
Height: 5'4"
Weight:107 lbs
Appearance: A cute, short girl. She looks weak at first, but don't underestimate her she's tough. She has a tatto of a dragon on her leg.
Outfit/Armor: She really likes to wear scarfs mini skirts. She also has thigh high socks to go with her skirt. Plus she wears boots.
Personality: Calm joking kind of girl. Makes bad jokes and is bad in talking.
Bio: Just a small town girl. Grew up in a lonely world. jk. A girl from the Americas that really dislikes video games. However, her brother convinced her to play the new game Sword Art Online. Now, when she comes back to reality she will probally never play another video game again.
Guild:idk none?
Weapon(s): Light fast pink sword and knifes to throw at people.
Skill(s):Cooking, aiming, tracking, jumping
Anything Else?:nope
Played By: thatguyroddish
My Character