
I sit at the end of the runway, my heart racing
my hand shakes slightly as I reach for the the throttle
I push it foward my heartrate like the engine goes to the max
The prop savegly cuts into the air as I race down the runway

The tyres roar as we race down the strip
Then they go quiet and my stomach drops
as my craft rises into the air
I'm going home

The ground like my problems falls away
I on the other hand rise into the air vast open sky
To freedom, to my purpose

I climb ever higher then I leval off my eager
craft surges foward my heart rate is measured
by the tachometer
The sun shines off the nose, the world slips by below

I'm nothing more than a noise to them, they are only speacks
to me not even that sometimes
I loop, roll and spin
My joy cannot be measured nor compared to anything

All too soon its over I must return to earth
Daylight like fuel is running out
I pull back the throttle and lower the nose
I turn for the airfield

The runway comes it looms larger and larger
I lower the flaps and wheels
I carefully manuver my craft who
like me is tired

I pull back gently
The mains touch the earth with a light schreech
A safe landing
Exactly what I sought to conclude a days flying

I push the plane back into the hanger as daylight dies
My craft too looks in ernest to the sky
My problems wash over me but
for tonight they will not worry me

I steal one last look at my craft
Then I close the hanger door
and my heartrate returns to normal
I already yearn to fly again and I haven't even left the airfield
