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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN

My bad XD

Lol I was going to finish chapter forty-five in Change tonight but right after i took the shower i literally went to my friend Elizabeth's dorm room and we played Just Dance and Just Dance two for pretty much an hour and a half. Now we're going to go and see X-Men First class. So I don't know how energetic I'll be for my game tomorrow but whatever I'm not a starter anyways and I'm usually the happy go lucky person on the team even when I'm in pain and now there's something wrong with my other knee and it's a ten dent this time. woo so I'm wearing my knee brace on my other knee right now and i took two pills of ibuprofen.


So I'm pretty much doing home work and working on a few posts right now. i have to read later a little thing called what's your name girl? and then i have to continue reading Flatland that's an interesting book to read. If you've read it before let me know what you think of it. if you want to know what it is then let me know that as well and I'll put a the summary of the book. so back to typing for Toxic waters and FON and doing writing 1 homework and my FYE class homework.

-Duel Academy-

Ok so this is the last chance for experienced yu-gi-oh people to get in an application before i start letting people who have no idea what their doing into the rp. Here is the link to the world and the link to the profile that it's under.
-Duel academy-
crystal fantasia

Icon for EclipseDragon

I decided to make an icon for my friend eclipsedragon i hope you like it. I knid of want to just call you Eclipse because it's not such a mouth full to type XD *shot*. Anyways i hope you like it.


I finally made it to number one for cards. It probably wont last for long.