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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN

Irish Twins

This is me and my older sister Stephine (on the left is steph)We were born eleven months apart so we're considered irish twins. what do you think? ...

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If I were to get a cosplay costume which character do you think I should get Boris Airay From Alice in the Country of Hearts ...

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Rp ideas

So I was wondering if everyone would pick from these couple of choices to see which New roll play I should make. Winx!: Here are Alfea (a famous school for faries) you will develop your powers and learn to fight evil, help your planet...

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Rp Worlds

For any one who is on any of my Rp Worlds if you have a second account just let me know what your second account is and I'll add it to the world's guest poster list then put your other account name with your first account that way people don't look at the name of the poster and get confused when they see a name they have never seen before. So my RP worlds are
WITCH: The Next Guardians
The New Frontier
TIME Academy
~Wizard Academy~( This one might be leaving soon because it is not very active and it wasn't active to start with)

Even if you're not on any of these rps and would like to check them out just click the name of the RP. Also if you have already joined and want one of your friends to join you in any of them you can just send them this link or the link to the rp your in if you would like it doesn't bother me.


What do you all think about once live and I finish writing Change that try to get it published to be an actual book?