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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Possible Deletions

So mine and live's world on our joint account crystal fantasia are not going so well. So i was thinking about deleting the following. Pandora's Rebirth because there's only three people on there anyways, Bleach: The next Generation, and Unfortunatly T.I.M.E Academy. maybe I could rework T.I.M.E. then try again but it has been dead for a while now and I don't see it starting back up. so what do you all think? Should I delete those worlds?


Here are my good pictures that i took of the fireworks that we shot off at my house. ...

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Give A Little

Here's a really good music video

Naruto Ninja Storm 2

So I was finally able to get online with my PS3. I decided to play Naruto Ninja Storm 2 and it was definitely interesting online. I played against some people in France, Poland, and I think some people in the US. I know that I need to play that game more often because I really haven't picked up that game in a few months and i got my butt handed to me a lot. But it was fun I made some new friends. my name on there is quietcontractor if anyone else played that game today and played against me give me a holler. I'll eventually get a head set so I can talk to people online while I'm playing some games.

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th everyone!! ^^