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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN


So we ended up third seed in our division so we got a by on the first round and we play Portville tomorrow as the home team. Our normal field is being torn up so sod can be put down so we have to use Salamanca's field instead. and they have an all dirt infield and i slid into third today with shorts on and ankle socks. now my right leg is burning and i'm just as fast as i normally am. Well I don't know if I'm starting tomorrow but if we win tomorrow we play Franklinville at Franklinville which shouldn't be too bad.

Stole this it's the 100 truths thingy

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Tagged means "I'm interested in knowing what are your 100 truths". (T...

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RP ideas

SO i'm thinking I'm just going to take down my WITCH Rp because it's not going anywhere. so out of these which would you like to replace it? or if you could come up with a better one i'm all ears

+ Anima RP
It is now modern day and + Anima still exist among the human race. Most humans still despise + Anima and wish they never existed. So can the + Anima’s keep their secret from the rest of society or will they get caught be the scientists who plan to separate them from their Anima or will they mix them with other Anima in order to make new + Anima to fight a war that is being kept from the humans?

Beyblade RP
Beyblade seems to be one of the most popular things to do and there are some new kids with some old beyblade spirits that are striving for the top. Will they succeed? And will they be able to control their new beyblades.

Soul Eater RP
The goal of the misters is to get their weapon to absorb 99 evil human souls and one witch soul in order to turn their weapons into death scythes. Can the misters cooperate with their new weapons? And why are their so many witches left in existence? This is a second-generation story.

+Anima- 4
Beyblade- 0
Soul Eater- 0

Going to be a long week

Okay so this week I'm for warning everyone now that I may not be on all that much because I have 5 games this week. Here's my schedule
Monday Away
Tuesday Away
Wednesday Home
Thursday Practice
Friday Away
Saturday Away

So yea, I'm probably going to be sleeping most of the time when I get the chance to. Sorry for all of the RP's that I'm on. I'm going to get a few posts up tonight hopefully other then that don't really expect a lot from me this week. Also next week Friday Pirates of the Caribbean 4 comes out in theaters. Unfortunately I have a game that day then I have prom that Saturday so maybe on Sunday I can go and see it. Well that's about it other then I wanted to relax today but that didn't happen I ended up going over to the house that we're going to be moving into after I graduate and cleaning the yard then our neighbor invited us over for dinner and my older sister is finally home so I have someone to hang out with which is a plus. Anyways sorry about ranting thanks for reading for whoever did.

Softball game

So while we were warming up for our game our coach got a channel four text message saying that cattaraugus county had a tornado watch but we still went on with our game. top of the fourth inning i finally get in because even though i have an 800 batting average and i'm good in the field i'm sitting on the bench but anyways it starts raining not that hard then there's thunder and we had to go under the pavilion then it started getting really windy and it started raining harder so the umps called the game and then it started coming down in waves. My dad and I were running to his truck because it was closer then my car and it was coming down so hard and the wind was making it come in waves with hail that trying to run against it at top speed it felt like i was jogging. Yea it was that bad. When we got to my dad's car I looked like i was thrown into a pool i was so soaking wet and my dad took me to my car and it wasn't raining as bad out and when we got to the house it stopped raining all together and the sun came out. SO it was a fun day.