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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Big Game tomorrow

Well tomorrow we play one of the strongest teams in our league for softball. Their good and have a fast picture but our team is loaded with heavy hitters and I'm a actual left hander and out pitcher Sara C. bats left handed so we have those few steps to get to first sooner. I'm hoping that we can beat them. But if it pours and thunders and junk our game is going to be canceled.


Hey it's been a while well we're doing pretty well in softball. We're 3-1 now. I'm happy about that. Our game was canceled today because it was snowing out and it's April for goodness sakes. well anyways i finished off one of my storied today. Is This Just Another Love Story. It's an Ouran High School Host Club story with a HikaruXOC pairing. It's only 6 chapters long but it's a cute story. Ph and before i forget here's the status from Fanfiction.net with all my stories for this month.

April, 2011 » Break down by Story
Story Words Hits Visitors
A Journey in Search of Something More 61,260 54 12
A Little Secret 12,558 20 12
Clash Of The Bands 11,121 2 2
Here We Go Again 73,265 37 18
Is This Just Another Love Story? 10,670 65 28

If you want to read Clash of the Bands which is a Beyblade story I'll put it up. Just letting you know my first fanfiction that i've ever done.

Otaku Host club

Some anime's that i haven't seen in the Otaku host club that is run by lunastarz but i think it would be so cool if they showed up at the host club some time soon ^^

Darker Than Black
Soul Eater
Absolute Boyfriend
Black Cat
Case Closed
and others that i can't think of right now

Long Time for me

Sorry i haven't been on in the past few days i've wanted to get on but my internet hasn't let me on but we got it fixed and i'm on now so i can answer peoples questions and put up new profiles. My schools production that i'm in "A Tribute to Broadway is tomorrow at seven o'clock, i play as one of the little girls in annie and as Peppermint Patty in Charlie Brown. I hope that we do really well. The cast and crew has worked really hard to make it good and hopefully no one is missing tomorrow and something doesn't go wrong. well back to putting up profiles.

History channel

So i'm watching the history channel right now and it's about reincarnation. I've always found that subject interesting. Now don't get me wrong i taught Christianity but sometimes with the kind of dreams that i have i kind of wonder i'm just someone who was reincarnated. Does anyone else have strange dreams?