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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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My Bad

Sorry guys that i haven't been on. Softball plus being sick doesn't work out to well. But i won't stay home because i haven't missed a day of school yet this year. YEa so i've been falling alseep before i can get on the computer. I'm hoping to get on on friday and update for PRs and maybe get some new things up.

I love this episode of soul eater

Long week

Okay so i haven't gotten on here since monday but obviously i haven't missed much on here. I've had late softball practice or drama club practice all week and i've been getting home at 8:30 pretty much every night and by the time i get home eat dinner and take a shower i'm exhausted and i almost fall asleep in the recliner so i go to bed without getting on. Today we had a half day at school so i didn't have any practice thank god. Instead of going home and taking a nap or doing homework i went over to my friend Tom's house and he helped me out with Devil May Cry. Which i've been thinking as to how i could make that into an RPG but that probably won't happen for a while considering that they are going to be coming out with a Devil May Cry 5 for Xbox 360 and PS3 Which i can't wait until it comes out. I'm so excited. but then i came home and did some of my homework now i'm on the computer and i think that i'm going to try and get a new RPG up not sure if i'm going to do that tonight or not. I have softball practice at 8 in the morning tomorrow until 10 so i guess it's not to bad.


Well i got rid of Land Dreamers because that world was going nowhere and some of the people who signed up just all together stopped posting. And i'm thinking that i'm going to get rid of The New Frontier because that world is going no where as well and some people have just not posted at all.

Spirit animals

So one day I think about a year ago or something like that when I was playing my PSP my little sister took a picture of me because she knew that i wasn't paying any attention to anything other then the game i was playing and when the picture showed up on the screen there was a black cat sitting on top of the couch above me. So I'm thinking that it's my guardian spirit. I don't think that any one can see our guardian spirits unless we're not paying attention and they take a picture of us. What do you guys think? Do you think that you have a guardian animal? like even when you're alone in the house that it feels like something is around you and protecting you? I know that I was up a bit later then usual one night then all of a sudden my neck started hurting and when I looked in the mirror in the bathroom I had a scratch on my neck and I didn't do anything. So i think that the cat was telling me to go to bed.

I Made IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had cuts today for softball and I MADE THE VARSITY TEAM!!!!!! Well it was either make the varsity team or get cut and I made it. I'm so happy, last year I was cut and when I got home I cried for a couple of hours because some of the girls that made it didn't deserve to be on the team and they half assed it at try outs and still made it. But this year one of the girls that made it on the team last year was cut this year. I'm glad that we have a good team this year and hopefully we'll actually win some games this year.