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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Kali and I went to the mall today and At FYE i got the complete series of Vampire Knight and the first season box set of Merlin. I'm happy that I've got them I've been wanting those box sets for a while now. Now I'm working on chapter five of A Little Secret.

Woot kind of

So Kali and I went to the mall today and I got a $5 video game that is kind of like the Devil May Cry series but i haven't started playing it yet so i'm not to sure. And i had to buy another Ouran High School Host Club Complete series because of how badly scratched my friends made it. So i'm not really going to let any of my friends borrow my DVD's again. Because when you let your friends borrow something like that you expect them to take care of it while they have it. Not when they give it back a month later quickly give it back then race out of the room. So like i said i bought a new one and that one is NOT going anywhere.Also i looked on Fanfiction.net (my account is determinedtowin) and it tells you how many words you have typed for one of your stories and for Here We Go Again it is up to 71,000 words in 42 chapters and as the people who have read chapter 42 already know that i'm not done with the series. Well that's all really i just thought it was cool that I've types 71,000 words for one of my stories.

Valentines Day

Well first off Happy Valentines day everyone. ^^ I Got seven carnations today. I got two from Kali, Two from her mom, one from my friend Kemper, one from my friend Seirra, and the last one from one of my best friends. I didn't get to thank you in school for the carnation but I'm thanking you now. Thank you for the carnation Juan I really liked it. I know that the fake flower is well a fake but the Pansie is one of my favorite flowers and it will never die. I'm sorry that that's all i got for you. But thanks again to both you and Kali for my carnations. My friend Cameron didn't get any of us anything for valentines day. So I didn't give him a Pansie flower. In stead i gave it to my friend Nate. He was happy he hasn't gotten a valentines gift all day. But now that i think about it i'm happy that i gave it to him because he's always so nice to me and I can make all of my friends smile. I'm glad i was able to today.


Okay so i had a really really really weird dream last night and i actually remembered it. For once my dream didn't take place in the school. I woke up to people surrounding me and I placed a hand on my head and groaned. The...

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Rp's possible

Here are the two ideas for Rp's. One of them is going to replace Barrier masters now it up to you which one it is. Please help i really don't know which one to chose.

Toma High
Toma High Seems to be in the middle of nowhere, where nothing happens at least that’s what the students think. But what happens what some new students come to the school and some of the students start having reactions to them being there?

I was thinking like two or three new students. The new students would be Witches (Warlocks) that come from different planets. They can be Princes (Princesses) from the worlds that they come from and don’t want to marry the person that their parents picked out for them so they came to Earth to find someone else. There can be normal students too.

Little Mermaid Rp (That doesn't have a name yet)
Some mermaids want to be human and walk among them. See what new with them. To bad only one has done it before and that was a long time ago. There are some humans that are adventurous and want to explore the ocean. They’ve heard the legends of the mermaids and still think they exist even though they’re older. Their parents tell them that there’s nothing out there but they think different. Just will they get their wish?