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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Can I do it?!?!?!

Today at some point I don't know when but I'm taking my little sister and her best friend to Holiday Valley. to go snowboarding. Tiff and I are going to teach my little sister how to snowboard. Lets see if I have the amount of paticents to be able...

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me-*watches first episode of Tokyo Ghoul after baking all morning and working on secret santa gifts. Starts on second episode*

ASM (assistant manager at GS): "Do you want to come in an hour early."

me: *in head*' Of course not I want to at least get through two episodes of Tokyo Ghoul.' *What comes out of my mouth* "Sure I'll come in. I got all my baking done so I don't mind." oTL

Why do I do this to myself??? But on the pulse side my Manager's wife had their baby as 4:24 this morning! I haven't seen pictures of her yet. But I'm excited that they had their baby. My manager will be the coolest dad ever! XD Well now I have to get ready to go to work. Hope that everyone has been having a decent day. If not watch or do something that will make you laugh and smile. Or you can just look at the adorable puppies below!

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Well this sucks

I just got called into work to work a 12-5 shift. So much for having today off to work on the last two secret santa gifts that I have to do. :/ Oh well I'll just have to wait till I get home.

Final Fantasy X/ X-2 Strategy guide

Hey everyone. So the strategy guide for Final Fantasy x/ x-2 remake pennied out at game stop and I grabbed one thinking that I didn't have one but I did so does anyone want the other one? It's paperback. It looks like the picture below. So if anyone is interested you can send me a PM or comment. I'd rather see it go to a place where it will be used instead of being thrown away.

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Cover options

So I'm going to be participating in Keba Si Rota's 2015 Sketch marathon And I'm having a hard time deciding which of my O.C's are going to be on the cover for the comic the sketches will go in.

Here's a list of some of the one's I was thinking for going on the cover. Can everyone please tell me who you would like to see on the cover. I want to get the cover done and up before the new year.

Patrick - 2


Ventus- 1




