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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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It's over...

After 15 years and 700 chapters the manga is over...Naruto has been a huge part of my life and it's sad to see it end. I want to cry, but at the same time I know that all good things come to an end at some point even though you never want them to. I loved the final chapter of it and all but one of the pairings (because Neji died) that I really wanted to happen happened! I'm not going to spoil any of the pairings so I can let everyone figure it out on their own.

The manga started when I was 7 years old. I'm 22 now. Even though it wasn't my first manga that I read I will always know that it will be one of my favorites. Reading and watching the characters grow and develop through the years has been amazing. Also just watching the growth of the drawing by Kishimoto through out these years has been amazing.

I'm excited to see the last Naruto movie since it's going continue where the manga left off and it's going to be the first Naruto movie about love so I'm excited about that as well. IN the spring though there will be extra stories I guess for Naruto so hopefully they don't disappoint!

Age Change Challenge Ending soon!

That's right my Age change challenge is ending soon. It ends on the 14th of this month! If you still want to enter you still have time. And for those who have entered you can enter again. there's an unlimited amount of entries.
If you wanted to look at it again Here's the link to the challenge!

Short Update and new challenge idea!

Well I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm getting close to done with my Patrick Cosplay. I won't be doing the contacts since when I ordered them on the 10th the next day I was refunded my money because they were out of stock. So I'll just be doing my normal eyes for this one. I've gotten all but the Wig now and I really hope it comes in today. Since that's the biggest part of the cosplay and his hair has so much detail in it oTL

Any who I do get to work on Halloween which is nice because that means I won't have people dragging me out to go and party then being the party pooper durning the party. I also FINALLY started typing chapter 24 for A Little Secret. It's only been written out for a few months and been sitting there in my binder. oTL I have chapter 25 written out too it's just actually sitting down to type and edit.

I'm also working on a few line less that I'm sure people have seen in this world. I just have to figure out which I want to work on for a little bit to take a break from typing. for a bit. Though I still have to fold my laundry and all that fun stuff. Well I just wanted to let everyone know what I've been up to. I hope that everyone has been doing alright.

I think I've also figured out what I want my next challenge to be! It was going to be taking the movie/ anime/ cartoon / video game characters that we love that are not human and personifying them.

For example: Minions, Walle and Eve, Transformers, Madagascar movies!, The regular show, Kung Fu Panda, etc...

What do you all think?!

Good movie's that are coming out.

If anyone was having a hard time remembering when some good movies were coming out on DVD and Blue Ray I figured I would put the dates up here for everyone. It also helps me remember lol

X-Men Days of Future Past- Available Now

How to Train Your Dragon 2- November 11th

Road to Ninja Naruto the Movie- November 25th

Legend of Korra Book Three: Change- December 2nd

Guardians of the Galaxy- December 9th

Those are the only ones that I can think of for now. If anyone knows of other ones let me know and I'll stick them up on the list!

Raven's Mega Line less

I've been working on Raven's mega as a line less. I'm not too far with making it actually look line less because I started with the line art but what do you all think?