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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Why do I do this

Why do I do this to myself. I have so many sketches that I really need to finish up and put up here, but then I flip to the next page and continue sketching... oTL Someone please just take my pencil away till you see some finished results up on here for some art and not just WIPS of what I have done. *rolls on floor* So many to color and not enough time to work on them. Blarg!

Oh! Super Smash Brother's came out for the 3ds yesterday and I got that. It's not too bad. I also got Hyrule Warriors when that came out, but when I get home from work I haven't really wanted to play video games which sucks because that list of games that I still want to play is getting backed up and even taller. oTL I'm so behind on so many things it's nuts.

Okay I'm done little rant over. Anyways I hope that everyone has a good day.

*Heavy Breathing* XD

RAYQUAZA HAS A MEGA EVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Lulu's 6 months!

For those of you who remember my adorable little baby kitten Lulu

She is now six months old! I did get her spayed so she can't have kitten's. She doesn't seem to know how to actually meow either so she just squeaks and purrs to get my attention. But I wanted to let you all see how big she's gotten since I first put her pictures up. Obviously I didn't give her back XD instead one of my other cat's migrated over to june's because she didn't like Lulu.

Thank you

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes I really do appreciate it. My birthday wasn't all that exciting. It was cold day, had to take the dogs to the vets then had to go to work. My older sister came home and got me two legend of zelda shirts and an Olaf stuffy that talks. My dad got me a professional air brush kit that he let me open a few weeks ago because he couldn't wait any longer for me to open it but since I've been busy with work I haven't even taken it out of it's box to start practicing with it. Oh well that's life. After work I went to my mom's and she got me some yarn and some knitting needles for me to start learning how to knit. I still have yet to pick up the Naruto game that came out last week on the 16th, but since Hyrule Warriors come out this week I might as well wait and just pick up both of them at the same time even though I work at game stop. oTL

Well even though I haven't been that active on here I've actually been writing a few chapters for A Little secret. I have chapters 24 and 25 written out now I just have to type and edit then I can put them up. I've also been doodling mostly my elementals because those have been what I have been thinking about recently. When I get a chance to scan it in I'll put them up to show you all.

Well I hope everyone has a nice day.

Penguin's of Madagascar Trailer

I'm so excited for this to come out!!