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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN

Oh Yeah!

Finished writing out chapter 23 for A Little Secret. It's 15 pages written out so now all I have to do is type it. Hopefully I can get it up tonight for those who read it.

Attack on Titan This Saturday!

Attack ON Titan airs this Saturday at 11:30 On Toonami!

gonna have a line art fest

Yea I have a lot in my sketch book that I have to scan in and I want to color digitally. Not to mention the Then and Now picture's I have sketch out that I have to line art. So I'm hoping to have a day where I can just do a bunch of line art and base colors. Maybe this weekend I'll do the one's in my sketch book. If you all would like me to livestream to work on the line arts let me know.

Feeling better

I went to bed earlier then I normally do last night. It was only by a half an hour but I think not really being on my laptop helped me relax a bit and think of other things resulting in me decided that there's going to be a max of 20 elements for elemental academy My RP that is based off the academy that is in my story A Little Secret. Thanks to Danger and xNU helping me out figure out the other three from the one that I was thinking about all day. I'll hopefully be able to work on those more when I get home from work. The last four are all going to be rare I know that much as of right now. So those of you who are in the RP keep a look out for that update!

Other then that I'm not feeling as tired today well this morning anyways. We'll see how I feel after lifting more dirt and plants today. Anyways how have you all been?

*le dead*

I really hope that I don't get called by game stop today to cover for someone tonight. I'm exhausted as it is so if it seems like I drop off the face of the earth this week it's more then likely going to be because I'm going to try to catch up on sleep and play some video games if I can. Just figured that I would let you know ahead of time if I'm not all that active this week, but I will try my best to at least get on this week to answer PM's and comments!