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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN

Found it again!

Yea I found my sketch book that has Flynn's comic it in again. I really have to stop miss placing the thing other wise I'll never get the first chapter done.oTL

Anyways I have the three requests that I started working on yesterday up to the coloring stage I just have to go out to hamburg to be able to get more color pencils because I'm out of black and my peach is almost gone. It's about an hour drive with it snowing, but that's western New York for you. When I get into Eire county the roads should be a bit better because they use this magical thing called road salt in that county but here in Cattaraugus county we use sand... anywho I'm just going to work on a page or two of Flynn's comic then I will be off to get those colored pencils.

Ren Vs. Shin

So I was working on this today to work on some digital artwork. I am to the background and I was thinking that I was going to use the training ground but cover it in ice because they are both ice releases. What do you all think? Do you think that sounds good for the background?

Voice or video meme questions

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Yes Since the cure of art block is still haunting me I figured do something else other then play video games and watch anime. I want to try my hand at making a voice meme. Since I I have garage band and I know I can record on my voice. If I figure out where I can make videos of me answering everyone's questions I will do that instead because it's always fun making videos. So if you all want to ask me some questions I will be more then happy to answer them. Hopefully it can help me get rid of my art block.

You can ask me anything that you would like. From anime's that I love to about my OC's or stories if you want. :D


chihiroyin: what is the fav scene of your fav Anime ?

XxArrancarFanxX: 1. Do you have a favorite video game?
2. What are some of your hobbies?
3. Do you have any pets?
4. What's one of your favorite things about making OC's?

AriaFlosh: 1. what do you like doing on your free time ?
2. what are your favorite anime and favorite manga?
3. If you could enter a world from an anime which one would be ?
4. which are your favorite bands ?And songs ?

Crimson-Rose: 1. What genre of anime/manga is your favorite? (shoujo, horror, drama, etc)
2. What's your favorite book?
3. What's your favorite board game?

Saw Frozen again!

I saw frozen for a second time. First time was with my boyfriend this time it was with my older sister and her friend Courtney. They really enjoyed it and we listened to the soundtrack on the way back to my mom's to drop my older sister off. I saw...

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OCU Characters

So I would like to ask for everyone's Opinion who is in OCU. I was thinking of pulling Patrick and Ace and actually debating on bringing my elementals from my story A Little Secret to OCU and get them into a new situation and possibly let them get into relationships. It might also help me with actually making some RP's for OCU. So what do you all think? Should I get rid of Ace and Patrick from OCU and bring in my elementals or do something else?

Renji is already in OCU but here are the others profiles if you wanted to look at them.
