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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Maybe later

Okay so I figured out that. I can still work on traditional drawing because of where the pencil rest on my hand but I can't continue working on digital drawing which is was I want to keep practicing with because of where the tablet pen rests. I hold it a bit differently then I do a normal pencil. But I'm doing better I took the tape off my pointer finger and super glued it shut; now I'm just waiting for that to dry then I will cover it up with one of my Peanut bandages XD. I'm such a child lol. I'm sad that I can't work on my digital drawing because of my hand and I was working a a really good drawing too OTL. Oh well it's my own fault.

Oh well I'll try to work on some traditional drawing after I work on some homework.


I don't think that I will be drawing anything for the next week or two. I cut my pointer finger and my thumb open and got three stitches on my thumb on my left hand and that's my dominant hand. So I'm sorry if it takes me longer to type posts. don't worry it was a new blade so it was a clean cut and right after I got back from the hospital I got my stuff together and went to my dance showing. I'm so happy that DT was with me, and he is in the dance show with me as well. I'm fine, my thumb and pointer finger hurt a bit but I'll be okay. I get the stitches out in 10 days.

At tech

Hey every one I'm at tech rehearsal at the moment for dance theater. It just started even though we had to be here at 5:45. It really sucks because today I one of my long days where I start at 8:20 in the morning and I don't finish with classes till 5:10. So I really haven't had anything to eat today and when I got back up to my room DT wasn't feeling good I'm hoping it's just a 24 hour stomach bug considering that he has a pretty big part in the dance peice that we are in and he is also the only guy in our peice. Why does today have to be so complicated. I have no idea when I will be done with rehearsal tonight because we are running prices in order.

For my code lyoko world more specifically to TDE I will get your characters up on the intro tonight I just have my iPod so I can't really do that right now.

Been thinking

I've been thinking of my fanfiction Here We Go Again and I was debating on creating a role play off of it. I have the entire story up in my Stories world. Don't mind the writing in the beginning I started the story when I was in 8th grade, actually right around when I join theo. I would explain how it would work and what not. Thing is I would probably PM people if they wanted to join the role play. The way that it would work is the people who start off with a digidestin would have to automatically create two characters and have that responsibility of two characters right off the bat because they would also have to make their elemental (They are called wizards for the longest time in my fanfiction) as well.That's also why I created my story called A Little Secret that way I could explain the elemental's a bit more. But yea, that's what I've been thinking about today because of how many things I have to type.


Guys I don't wanna go and take my Psychology test in 40 minuets. :p