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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN


why is theo being so derpy right now. All I want to do is upload a Fanart

Newest Bleach Chapter

So has any one else read the newest bleach chapter? If you have does anyone agree with me that sometimes you just want to walk into the world of bleach and tell the Villains that they are screwed, or is it just me?

This sucks

So we just got off of our midterm break and so we get to see how we are doing for the first half of the semester. well when I looked at my midterm grade for my major which is Interdisciplinary Art I saw that I had a C+ in it. That's Fucking ridiculous. My grade for art doesn't seem to be on how well I can draw (which we did figured drawing) or how well I can create a video (we used Final Cut Express which I've used before so I knew what I was doing) no it's based on the two frickin' papers that we've had to write so far this semester and I got a c+ on one of them and a c on the second one. It just pisses me off. It's an art class so shouldn't the grades be based off of how well you can create a work of art and how much you have improved? I don't know if that is just my theory on how an art class should work.

Sorry about that I was thinking about that the entire time that I was drawing today.


I am Finally out of my artist block. I am working on my second drawing today. Since I had to go through figure drawing in the first half of the semester I just had no ambition to draw and I couldn't think of anything to draw but I'm finally out of it and hopefully I can get more works done!

Thanks everyone!!

Thank you everyone who wished me a happy birthday. Sorry that I wasn't really on yesterday I was mostly hanging with my friends and having a good time. I wanted to get that post for Patrick done yesterday but you see how well that turned out lol. ...

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