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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN

That was fun NOT

So the fun part my dog Babe decided to go after a skunk that was coming down to investigate the fire that we had going outside because we ate dinner outside and she got sprayed in the mouth and face. SO while my dad was getting the soap and my little sister was getting the hose I got to hold her and she started to rub up against me and now I smell like a skunk and I'm getting sick from it so now I really need to go and take a shower before I end up upchucking my dinner.

Two Drawings

Well here are two drawings that I'm working on. I have another one in the sketch book but it's for Tinkerer so I didn't want to give it away.

Finally got a Pchat

Yea I finally got one my username on there is also clueless101 if anyone wants to know.

!!!Ninja World!!!

Just letting you all know again that I have a new RP up. It's called ninja world. I need a lot more people then just Tinkerer, DA, and myself. so if anyone wants to join feel free to fill out a profile and send it in to me.

So much to draw

I have so much to draw but it's such a nice day outside for once this week. It's been raining and miserable pretty much the whole week and that usualy gives me no ambition to do anything, Well I'll probably finish the post that I'm working on and then take my dog for a walk up in the woods and then come in and start working on some of my not even half finished drawings that I have laying about near my Warhammer 40k models. So if anyone wants me to draw something for them I will add it to the list of things to get done with week while I pack.

To do list:
Finish drawing the first round of PGR fairies
Finish drawing Zane (one of my OCs)-Finished sketch-
Draw the second set of PGR fairies
Finish drawing Zol (DT's OC from Republic City)-Finished inking-
Draw Sora (my OC from Republic City)-Finished Inking-