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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN


No I am not changing this world or anything like that. I was actually talking about mine and liveeverysecond's book Change. we just finished it. And we have it on here for one to have a back up back up file of our story just in case we both somehow manage to lose everything that we have and two for people here on theo to be a sort of test run and too see if we do manage to somehow get this published if people would be willing to buy it. Well if you want to read it Click the Title of the book and let the epicness begin. *if you find spelling errors don't be a grammar natzi we are currently editing it as well.

I be bored while waiting

Well I"m waiting for a good amount of things at the moment. I'm waiting for dinner to be done (it get's done at 6 tonight) then I'm also waiting for the down stairs computer to finish loading (It's the one that's connected to our scanner) I am also waiting to get over this wonderful little sore throat that I have. So I am bored and I feel like gender bending some characters (Especially PGR characters) So If anyone want's me to gender bend one of their character's I'll be happy to do it.

Happy New Years

Happy New Year's everyone. Sorry I didn't get any of my drawing up here like I wanted to. I will have to scan them in and color them later when I wake up. I have three that I have drawn and outlined but I went to the Saber's game so I couldn't get them scanned in and colored. Sorry about that. I promise I'll get them up today though.

Jeff Dunham

Just got back from seeing Jeff Dunham live. It was amazing!!!

Yea Buddy!!!

I finally caught it where one of my art works were on the showcase.