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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN


First off THE SABERS WON THE GAME 6-5!!!! in over time. And my dad bought a family pack so I"m going to go and see a Sabers game on December 9th at 7:30pm!!!!! I'm so excited.

Sad face

I just lost three subscribers...I don't know why though. It's really sad when that happens. It too so long to get to 360 now I'm back down to 357. *Sigh* Oh well I guess it happens. Anyways, I am trying to get my worlds on my second account going again so if your on it please post and if your not but want to join please do.

New RP

Hey everyone I started a new RP it's an Inuyasha second Generation RP it's called Seven Jewels. There's only a few of us right now, I would love to have some more people join.

WHo else...

Who else thinks that Ichigo just needs to realize that Orihime likes him already and that he likes her and they should just frickin' kiss already and start going out? I just want to know who else agrees with me.


So I have some Trivia questions that I want to see if anyone can answer correctly. It's almost like playing Cash Cab if anyone watches that show.

1:What Became the new capital of Germany in 1999?

2:What is the driest inhabited continent on Earth?

3:Which Mountain range divides France and Spain?

4:What vegetable is a Solanum Tuberosum?

5:What was "Babe" Ruth's full name?

6:When was the Frisbee invented?

7:In Hawaiian, does aloha mean hello or goodbye?

8:What is the cube root of 64?

9:Which Disney movie features the song "Topsy Turvy"?

10: How many lines has a limerick?

Well if someone gets all of these right I will make something for them. Good luck!! ^^