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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN


Naturo Shippuden the Movie Bonds just came in today!!!! I'm so excited and After i go to the African Dance preformance today I'm so going to my sisters and watching the movie with her and her roommate. And I will probably make my sister's boyfriend sit down and watch it with us too. I'm just so happy that it came in. Now I have to wait till November to get Bleach the Movie: Fade to Black and Darker Than Black 2!! Okay well I should probably head to class know I just really wanted to let all the Naruto fans out there that Bonds is officially out on DVD in stores if they didn't know already or are stalkers of the movies and box sets like I am XD!

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Not a fun Day (First part rant)

So I just called one of the Magazine companies that I apparently subscribed to and I found out when I called them that I could no longer cancel said order so instead I had to pay for all of the magazines which was $664.10 so that really hit me. And so my dad doesn't get any more pissed at me I can't even get all of my magazines i have to send in a written letter stating that I do not wish to receive any of the magazines anymore. So I hope my father is happy that I don't get to have my magazines and I had to pay over six hundred dollars to stop the magazines from coming. I hate my life....

So on the other half of things I'm still waiting for people to sign up for my new RP and I have decided that a How to Train Your Dragon RP is going to be replacing my WITCH RP.

NEW Banner

I looked at my old banner then looked at the themeish that I had for this world and said to myself that the banner did not match the world at all so I made a new one.


Well I'm bored so I'm going to offer up if anyone wants me to make them something then go ahead and ask. And yes I will draw Yaoi or even your OC's if you want me to.
Fan Art: Open
Jensen and Abby- Done
Nyarth- Done
PatXDel- Eneko (Really for everyone on PGR)- Not Started
Nyarth as a Persian- Done
Lux and Xio- Team Plasma N- Not Started

Wallpaper: Open
Bleach wallie- halcyondays- Done
E-card: Open
Icon: open

As Promised

As I promised I found all of the picture that I have of Johnny Depp and I'm putting them up on here so you can see them all. They are linked to their original picture so if you want them too. ...

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