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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 4 COMES OUT ON DVD TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!

Okay so....

I have decided that people really don't understand my world Rule the World so I'm just going to delete it and replace it with something else.

What if???

Yes the what if well I was wondering who would join if I made a How to Train Your Dragon RP. It would be based off the movie considering that pretty much everyone has seen the movie and haven't read the books. What do you think????


My challenge that I put up for Fan word hasn't been touched. It makes me feel that no one likes to write fan words any more and that this was just a waist of time to make. No one has submitted anything to it Blue told me that it's not letting people watch it so I understand that that's not working. See that makes be really sad. If I need to change anything about it or if you have any questions about it please let me know. Here's the link to the challenge. Crossover!!! If you haven't watched D.N.Angel then here's where you can watch it. AnimeHere

Writing essay

This is my third writing essay that I had to do for my writing 1 class. It's supposed to be in the future and what happens when we accomplish our goal. My goal is to write a fantasy Novel and get it published. I will write ...

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