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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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hat day

SO this week is spirit week at our school and today's hat day. I wore my leaf village headband and liveeverysecond wore her justin timberlige/ganstar hat. haha now we're the ganstar and ninja duo. and wolfgamer was left out to dry with no hat. He didn't even steal Shawn's hair.

HOME Vs. Westville

So today we plaied Westville and two people got injurd. From the westville team. so we didn't finish the game until 7:00 pm. ON a happier note we won 1-0 so i've had two shut outs this year.

Frist game

well We lost our first game. Horibbly we lost 5 nothing i was really rusty for the first few minutes in goal.but what can you do? IT's only the first game we'll get better... I hope.

Varsity Soccer

So we started school soccer on last week. It wasn't that bad getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning for pratice. I ended up getting the Goalie posistion for the Vartisy team. Yea! Well now are frist game is a home game and it's the first day od school, which we start school on the 8th this year. That's the latest we have ever started. Hopefully we'll win our first game. I'm not making any promises though because we lost 5 of our best palyers last year in cluding our goalie, my older sister. THat's all i got for now. I'll tell you if we win or lose in the next post.

The SECOND great flood.

So i'm pretty sure that most people know how that hug storm cattaraugus county on sunday. Well it hit and it hit hard. and guess where i live... that's right i live on Swamp Road, SWAMP ROAD! That just spells desaster there good thing my family lives on the highest point of Swamp Rd so nothing really happened to my house except our back yard was one gigantic puddle, oh the joy. So on sunday the first part of the strom we made it through alright then at noon the electric company shuts off our power. Yea and i hadn't taken a shower yet because i alwasy take showers at night. i don't know why i just do. Anyways we lost power for a day and seven hours. Yea that sucked. So today my dad, little sister, my dog and I went to Ralphs house (A friend of my dad's) and i helped him sholve a good chunck of the stones the washed into his yard out. I did this for 4 hours strait. From 4pm to 8pm. Yea i'm exausted now. When i got home i felt like i could run all the way to the baseball dimond at the end of my road which is like a quarter mile and back. Yea fun day.