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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Commissions: OPEN


So i have found out a new deal of pain they are called Planks. If you all ready know what they are i'm going to tell you anyways. Planks are where you place all of your weight on you forarms and Toes. you have to keep you back strait you but down and you have to look forward. You have to hold that posistion until the coach tells you to stop.ya that was fun. well i hope everyone else that is playing a spring sport has a good time and good luck to you.


So today we started our first day of softball tryouts. Oh the joy. A lot of condishing. Sorry about my spelling if i spelled it wrong. we actually did a lot more glove work than i thought we would to day. Well i'm going to be sore in the morning. hehe.