I don't know

I can't figure it out. I know that girls are usually better at knowing if a guy likes them or not but i didn't seem to get the gene. My friend Cameron broke up with his girlfriend Summer. and asked me out. I aparently didn't answer him in time and he started going out with summer again. But he keeps hitting me and goofing around with me. I know that we've been best friends since middle school but i'm just not getting it does he have feelings for me or is it he just thinks it's fun to beat up on me with his book in english class. He sits right behind me in that class. And in study hall he's always sitting next to me and watching what i'm doing. He knows i under stand what hes talking about. I watch mostly the same shows he watches and we get along really well. But yesturday when i was walking with him in the hall to my next class his girlfriend showed up and glared at me. I didn't know that Summer was going out with him again until today when i saw them holding hands in front of me. This is where the whole being invisable to everyone around you comes in handy. OR being so quiet that no one knows you're there. OF course it did help that i was doing the day of silence thing. It's a protest to suport gays and bis. Then it didn't help the situation when my entire 9th period class was trying to get me to talk. I was so relieved when that last bell finally rang. But it was fun learning sign language.
