The dream all together

So this morning liveeverysecond(Kali) and I were talking about dreams and I told her about one of the dreams I had that involved anime. ... ... Yea anime in my dreams alot. anyways. I started out in our school. But for some reason in stead of being quickly surounded by trees the school had a field behind it. Well it was a normal day as usual we were going to our classes and then we ran into one of our friends wolfgamer(Juan). except there was something wrong. He seemed unresponsive. Suddenly some ones voice came over the loud speaker it was Orochimaru. I can't remember what he said. It was some thing about his minions and they had to find the remaining people who were not under his control and bring them to him. the Hall went scilent and Kali and I looked at eachother. Then it occured to us we should start moving. Once we started running A whole bunch of other people were chasing after us. Ok so we were running because for some reason I'm always running in my dreams. I don't kniw why i just am. Well we ran to the chemistry room and closed the door. All the people ran by. we started crawling around on the floor and that's when Alissa popped put of no where. She scared the bajesus out of us and she started laughing. Beacuse of mine and Kali's screams the posessed people broke down the door. All three of us ducked under the lab tables before they could look us they stopped in there tracks. The suddenly walked out of the room. We sighed in relief and got out from under the tables made out way to the escape window. Kali went first. I was going next then we hurd he scream run. Alissa and I looked down and Cameron and Juan had Kali and were dragging her away. Alissa and I ran out of the room turning right then turned right again and down the hall a little ways to The biology room. We looked at eachother woundering why we didn't see anyone in the halls.
We turned around and Orochimaru closed the door That we entered.
"You two are the only ones left." He smirked block one of our exits.
Alissa and I thought it no use to go for the door that led back into the hall beacuse he probably had evertone else out there waiting to tackle us.
"There's no where for you to go." Orochimaru said in his creepy voice.
Then I said probably the most idiotic thing you can say in a situation like that.
"If you want us then you have to catch us." I laughed grabbing Alissa's hand and we raced out the door that led out side.
For some sick twised sence of humor i have in my dreams instead of having a flat surface like the one that is actually out side of her room it was a hill. A small hill though so it wasn't to bad. any ways we sprinted to the creek that was convinently near by and jumped in. Usually not one of the best solutions to running away from someone. And me being an idiot we jumped in.
Here's another thing that could really only happen in dreams. I could breath under water but everyone else couldn't. Once i serfaced I noticed that Alissa was being swept down stream and no matter what i couldn't catch up to her. I stopped swimming the roaring water affecting my hearing i didn't here Cameron comping up along the bank. And he jumped me from behind. Making us both sink into the water. So the fun part about the dream I could breath and he couldn't. I kicked him in the gut causing him to resurface for more oxygen and with the slpit second i had i got away.
I finally resurfaced posibily about a mile from the school so i got out of the water. My clothes were dry. As I was going to walk in the direction of my house Orochimaru suddenly popped out of no where again and it felt like I was falling off a cliff. Here comes the vertigo feeling. But the strange thing was i didn't wake up from it. The dream faded. It was like i actually went unconcious and when it faded back in i was tied to a chair with duck tape. Oh yes the wonders of duck tape. Kali and Alissa came into view and they were duck taped to chairs as well. Then someone walked into the room.
* * ** * * ** *
And that’s when I woke up. I know suckish right?
